Residents of Srinivasapuram use unique transport to reach workplace

Some residents of Srinivasapuram, land’s end bordering the Adyar backwaters use a unique way of transportation to reach their workplace.

Many of them here work as domestic helpers at MRC Nagar and at other nearby places there.

Instead of using the Loop Road and traveling down this road, they step on a wooden cattamaran-like board that is tugged across the backwaters of the estuary. They then reach the MRC Nagar side in minutes.

“Though this method of transportation existed earlier it is much used now,” says a resident of this colony.

“It takes at least 40 minutes to travel to our workplaces via the road. And auto driversĀ  were also charging a huge fare,” said Metilda, a resident of Srinivasapuram, who works as a domestic helper at an apartment complex in MRC Nagar.

“Now it takes only five minutes and it is less tiring too,” she says as she gets down from the cattamaran apparatus after work and walks to her house.

A woman, who claims to be the owner of this wooden platform pulls it back and forth using a rope attached to it. She charges Rs 2 per person (one way).

People say they avoid this route when the water level is high.

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