Mylapore gets a new puttu shop

With Royal Puttu, a small shop selling a variety of Karaikudi-styled puttu opening at North Mada Street, Mylaporeans have got a food joint offering traditional and tasty puttu shop.

Three siblings – Yamuna, Sivashankar, and Govindaraju based in Adyar have started this shop a few months ago off this street.

A variety of puttu made of millets – kambu, kelveragu, ragi, godumai and rice – red and white is available here. On Fridays, in addition to these six varieties, navadaniya puttu (made of 9 grains) will also be available.

Six puttu kulai (puttu makers) are set up in the cart for each of the six varieties. Underneath this, a big aluminium vessel is attached with cloth set in between.”The cloth prevents the steam from escaping. After the puttu is cooked, we mix it with ghee, nattu sakkarai and coconut flakes according to the customer’s preference and serve them,” says Shankar.

Sine many people are switching to healthier food options, there is a steady flow of customers at this joint every evening.

The trio started this business two years ago in Adyar, “We have always loved our grandmother’s traditional Karaikudi-styled puttu. So we wanted to serve this to the public,” says Shankar.

Adds Yamuna, “During this year’s Mylapore Festival, we had put our stall here. We got a huge response. Since there is no other puttu shop in Mylapore that sells it regularly many people requested us to continue our business after the festival too.”

Murali, a regular here says, “I eat here twice or thrice a day as puttu is not available anywhere else in this area. All the puttus are very tasty.”

“It takes time to prepare puttu at home so this shop has been useful for the working women as well,” says Poorani, a resident of R.A.Puram.

All the puttu varieties are priced at Rs.50 (350 grams). Located off North Mada Street, near Gajalakshmi Silks, Mylapore. Open from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Ph: 7010353697, 8056203035.

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