GCC starts inspecting RWH structures

The Chennai Corporation officials have started inspecting the rain water harvesting (RWH) structures at all the independent houses and apartment complexes in Mylapore.

On July 2, a group of officials from ward 173 of Chennai Corporation inspected the rain water harvesting structures at R. K. Nagar.

The group included officials from Chennai Corporation, Metro Water and revenue department of ward 173.

“We plan to check all the RWH structures in our ward before the northeast monsoon sets in. The idea is to tap all the run off water by setting up proper RWH structures, percolating pits and recharge wells,” says Veera Raghavan, AE of ward 173.

At every house after inspecting the structures the officials suggested modifications/improvements in the existing RWH system. The residents who did not have RWH structures were asked to construct one soon.

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One Comment on “GCC starts inspecting RWH structures”

  1. Sir,

    The rain water harvesting structures in Salai Street, New Street, Sundaresan Street (R.R.Sabha), Nadu Street, Thatchi Arunachalam Street and Abraham Street and in the junction between Salai Street and North Chitrakulam Street and junction between North Chitrakulam Street and Thatchi Arunachalam street needs a over hauling as even during 5 minutes of rain, the water gets stagnated in all of the above streets causing problems due to water logging.

    Further, the seawage water structures in Salai Street has not been cleaned and flow of seawage water is a every day problem in the area. There are about 2 Schools in Sundaresan street (R.R.Sabha road) and all the children have to cross this street to reach their respective schools. Such overflowing of seawage and drainage water will result in health problems not only to children but also to elderly people as they fall sick frequently.
    I kindly request the concerned authorities to look into the complaints and take early action for rectification of the above said problems.

    Mrs Shankar

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