Restoration work begins on heritage church in Luz

The heritage church in Luz called Our Lady of Light Church is being readied for extensive repairs and restoration.

Said to have been built in the mid-16th century, this church which is locally referred to as ‘kattu koil’, meaning church in a scrub forest, has been well preserved the past centuries and the present church management has turned to professionals to the restoration work.

Besides consulting IIT professors and relying on architects who have experience in handling heritage structures, the congregation is also keen to get workers who are capable of handling this project well.

Says Fr. Thumma, parish priest of this church,”We are keen to follow the rules of conservation. This calls for slow and steady work and we hope the project will be completed by Christmastime.”

Currently, religious services like daily and Sunday Mass are conducted inside a tent raised on this campus or in the community hall here.

550 families make the parish congregation.

Fr Thumma says benefactors who wish to donate for the restoration fund are welcome to contact him ; 98405 49892.

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