GCC places separate bins for wet and dry waste collection at South Mada Street

As a part of the Government’s Swachh Bharat scheme, the ward 124 of the Chennai Corporation has placed separate bins for hawkers at South Mada Street, Mylapore.

Now, apart from the corporation ‘s bin at this street, two separate bins are placed for wet and dry waste collection at regular intervals.

And to avoid displacement of the bins from their original location, they are tied together and locked with small concrete poles on the pavement.

“The wet (biodegradable) waste will be sent for composting at the nearby compost yards,” says S. Vivekanandan, AE of ward 124.

“A few days ago, they placed a set of bins for every four road side shops here. It is useful for us since it is nearby,” says Amuda, a hawker.

But still many hawkers are yet to use these bins. Most of the time the hawkers on this road are seen dumping the waste on the ground near the dustbins.”The new bins will be useful only if all hawkers understand the importance of keeping our surroundings clean,” said a shopper.

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