Wandering cows at Mandaveli market pose danger, are nuisance

The cows roaming in Mari Street, Mandaveli, continue to be a problem for pedestrians and motorists at Mandaveli market zone.

On May 24 evening, at least 5 cows were seen here. Two among them stood in the middle of the road, because of which the motorists were stranded for nearly 20 minutes.

Many a time, these cows are also seen standing at the junction of R K Mutt Road, St. Mary’s Road and Mari Street blocking the traffic on three sides.

“The vendors who supply cow’s milk are leaving them here. But, no one knows who exactly does this. Everyday the cows come here and eat the leftover vegetable waste,” says Lakshmi, a hawker.

Many pedestrians say they are scared to walk in the market zone due to the cows.”The cows are sometimes violent. My friend got hit once. So I fear if it will knock me down too,” says Uma, a shopper.

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