Free football camp for underpriviledged children

The Madras Sports Trust, an NGO for the development of children interested in sports from the government schools, has kick-started its first major program since its beginning in July 2018. A free football summer camp for under-privileged children will be held in three centers namely Perambur, Ayanavaram, and Raja Annamalaipuram.
The summer camp is scheduled from April 13 to May 12, from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. is being held at the Corporation ground on Greenways road in R.A. Puram. This includes morning breakfast, health drink, water, shoes, t-shirt, football and other necessary materials required for the camp. All the participants will be given medal and certificate on the last day of the camp.
For details contact Roy V at 9940177008.
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