CSI school for the Deaf, Santhome gets a new block with better facilities

This past week, a new block with three classrooms has been inaugurated at the CSI School for the Deaf, Santhome.

The Madras Spice Round Table 159 and Madras Spice Ladies Circle 133 have jointly donated this block to the school.

“After the vardah cyclone in 2016, we had to shift to the current building. It does not have sufficient classrooms and is congested. The team from Madras Spice noted this when they visited our school a few months back,” says W.James Albert, the headmaster of the school.

Now, the classrooms in the new block can accommodate around 30 children. “One of the three rooms has three levels of flooring to facilitate lip-reading for the children. Other two rooms will be used as a language room and speech therapy room,” he says.

“Since the rooms are big with good ventilation facility it will be helpful for our children,” he says.

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