Talk on inclusion of disabled: March 14

Dr. Jitender Aggarwal will deliver a talk on how to be of help to the disabled and raise their quality of life and productivity.

This event is on March 14 at Tattvaloka, Eldams Road.

Dr. Jitender Aggarwal, founder & CEO, Sarthak Educational Trust and Secretary, General National Abilympic Association of India, has been providing outstanding leadership and tireless efforts to the disabled for over a decade.

“If involved, included, encouraged and helped they can be highly valuable citizens, employees, artists, entrepreneurs, etc. We can also learn from them, how so many of them are managing their situation cheerfully and achieving success in life and work, despite some disabilities,” he says in a preview note on the talk.

On March 14, 6 p.m. Tattvāloka,  76, Eldams Road, Alwarpet. Ph:  24328124 / 25 /26 / 8939455517.

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