Donors offer water, buttermilk, rice and sweets to people at arubathumoovar event

Offering food and drink to people who head to Sri Kapali Temple for the Panguni festival has been a old tradition. And this year, on the days of the ther and the arubathumoovar processions, various organisations – socail, religious and family-based – put up stalls to offer food and drink.

Some order has been brought to this donation and service after many donors set up stalls across the three mada streets and much of the food was tossed around and the areas made messy.

If the devotees of Bangaluru Adigal set up a stall opposite Bhavans serving buttermilk mostly, the local Nadar Sangham and others had a buttermilk stall alongside the Chitrakulam wall, near Gandhi statue.

But the well organised food serving centre was on Mathala Narayan Street where the Narayana Iyer family has been sharing food and drink for over six decades.

Serving breakfast since 8 a.m. and lunch and tiffin through the day, the family had arranged cooks to prepare food in the open early on Monday. They erected poles to create a queue system for the public and the orderly service made life easy for all.

As the procession moved into North Mada Street the queue for food here became lengthy – the evening menu had kesari, brinji, meddu pakoda, channa curry and even pani puri.

The negative side of this orderly service was of people flinging the leaf plates on the streetside, adding to the waste that had mounted here.

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