26th Women’s Bazaar starts from today at C. P. Arts Centre

The 26th edition of ‘Women’s Bazaar  2019’ was inaugurated today  by veteran actress / dancer Vyjayanthimala Bali. The exhibition and sale is taking place at all three galleries of C.P. Art Centre with around 50 women’s groups participating this year.  All proceeds from the sales go to the women and/or the women’s organizations, which include Women’s India Association (WIA), NAAM Foundation, Nandini Voice and others, apart from those supported by the C.P. Ramaswamy Aiyar Foundation. All expenses are covered by C. P. Art Centre.

Since 1994, the C. P. Ramaswamy Aiyar Foundation, through its various constituents, has been actively involved in women’s development. The Women’s Bazaar is an annual feature in their activities and provides a platform for women to sell their products, said a press release.

The women come from rural areas, Chennai’s hutments as well as middle class women and economically disadvantaged women.  They are self-employed, employ other women, market goods made by women and so on.  The potential of the entrepreneur varies from pottery to pickle making to weaving and garment manufacturing.  There are a variety of items, such as textiles, crafts, jewellery, food and health and organic products.

The sale will be on till March 12. At 1, Eldams Road, Alwarpet, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.


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