Centenary celebrations of S. Rajam on Friday

The Rajam Centenary Committee is hosting in Chennai the centenary celebrations of Sangita Kala Acharya S. Rajam on February 8, 2019 from 4 p.m. onwards at The Music Academy, TTK Road, Chennai.
Rajam was a multi-faceted artiste best known by rasikas and artistes as the artist who gave life to the images of the Carnatic music trinity.
But he was more – musician, scholar, artist, writer, actor. It is this and the man himself who lived for almost 90 years in Mylapore’s Nadu Street that is being celebrated.

Below is a brief agenda of the events planned:
4:00 pm  – Navia Natarajan’s Bharathanatyam based on S. Rajam’s paintings
5:00 –  ‘The Ace of Arts’ Kalachakravarthy S. Rajam – Book Release – Book on 100 hitherto unpublished paintings of S. Rajam
* Tribute speeches by eminent guests
* Prize distribution to the winners of S. Rajam Centenary Music Competition
* Excerpts from the film “S. Rajam – Sakala Kala Acharyar” will be screened through the evening
6.30 pm –  music concert – Ranjani and Gayathri (Vo), Vittal Rangan(Vi), Delhi S. Sairam (Mri), K V Gopalakrishnan (Kanjira)
The hosts also plan to release a special postal cover on Rajam, a prized one for philatelists.
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