Season’s festival of MFAC sabha launched on Sunday

The excitement that goes with the launch of a music festival at a sabha was clearly missing at Mylapore Fine Arts Club, a very old sabha in Chennai.

It seemed as if the sabha team was hosting this fest for the sake of it.
Perhaps run it because it must be done. This Season, the inauguration was held on Sunday, December 9.
The guests, N. Ravi of The Hindu newspaper and the sabha chairman Nalli Kuppuswamy hoisted the sabha’s flag, a unique act event only this sabha does. And then  the awards took place.
Two senior artistes were honoured – violinist maestro V V Subramaniam and dance guru Urmila Satyanarayanan.
Music students who had excelled in the music competitions that the sabha holds annually were rewarded.
Urmila and her disciples then presented a dance drama.
The sabha which was upgraded with the support of the TAG Foundation – airconditioned and new lighting is a slightly better space to be at concerts.
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