Metro: MLA’s statement, people’s voices

Mylapore Times has been speaking to Mylaporeans who will be affected by the Metro project in this zone. Here are their views.

SADIQ ALI / businessman, Alwarpet resident

We led a 100 member group and met Metro’s RDO and senior engineer this week. Our main point – there is no need for a K. B. Dasan station at all – the Teynampet station isn’t far away. Also, in a 1.3 mms radius at the K.B. Dasan junction, six rail stations exist ( Metro and MRTS) and two more are proposed. 8 stations. Do we need such density of stations?

If station must be built, then follow the Delhi Metro Chawri Bazar model where work was done deep below and normal life wasn’t affected.

Cancel the K. B. Dasan station but we don’t mind the line work done underground. Acquisition of land will create a huge mess and badly affect every family.

We suggest the Light House line be aligned along Dr R K Salai – the road is wide and the section will get big patronage.

M. V. GAUTAM APPA RAO / Alwarpet resident

We can’t challenge the acquisitions for public project once they notify it. So we must focus on asking Metro to relocate the K. B. Dasan station or cancel this plan.

Also, we must ask for better compensation. The going rate here is Rs.1,600 per st. ft. We must fight for higher compensation.

The most troubling issue though is the plan for acquisition will leave many property owners and flat residents with many problems – the UDS issue, no access to main road, left with small parcels of land that we can’t really sell or develop. What will we do with say 100 or 120 st ft land after acquisition? Big headaches. Metro may as well take over the bits of left over land!

PADAM CHAND/ businessman of Kutchery Road, resident of Karpagam Ave.

Lots of businesses on Kutchery Road are going to be affected. I have a parcel of land at the Bazaar Road end. Its a narrow road so you can imagine what will happen when Metro work starts. The bore wells will be affected so water will be a big issue. 

We want the Metro line must be run down Dr R K Salai. 

We met the Metro’s RDO and engineers and they promise to take our petition to the bosses. 


MLA R. Nataraj says he met with Pankaj Kumar Bansal, the MD of Chennai Metro and presented the issues of Mylaporeans.

” I have conveyed the apprehensions of residents whose holdings are likely to be affected. This is a very good project and Mylapore will get connectivity to north, west and south parts of the city. 

“Bansal explained how the alignments ( of rail lines) will proceed and since the rail runs mostly underground, land acquisition will be minimal and that too only for support services. This work is likely to be started only next year”, Nataraj said in a mailed statement.

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