Chennaiyin Football Club to join local school students on art project

Nippon Paint India (Decoratives) and InkLink Charitable Trust are hosting Splatsoccer Art with Chennaiyin F.C.

The club’s football players Eli Sabia, Andrea Orlandi, Srinivasan Pandian and Germanpreet Singh along with the students of Rajah Muthiah School in R. A. Puram will play football dipped in paint and hope to create some beautiful artwork together on this campus.

The event will also mark the launch of a unique arts-based ‘LeadArt’ learning program that will be conducted across 100 schools in Tamil Nadu by Nippon Paint and InkLink Charitable Trust.

On Dec.10, 10 a.m. Venue; Rajah Muthiah Higher Secondary School, Thiruvengadam St, Ramakrishna Nagar, Raja Annamalai Puram.

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