Delay in drain work in Dr. Ranga Lane poses problems

Residents of Dr Ranga Lane in Alwarpet say that the storm water drain work undertaken by contractor of Chennai Corporation has been pending for about two weeks now. And this state poses problems to people living here.
The drain under construction is near Vel’s Kinder Kids Play School.

Residents say the incomplete work causes the following issues –
– The high tension cable wire is left floating – if it rains, the threat becomes even more serious. (Already while the work was started, one labourer got electrocuted because no one expected the high tension wire to be very close to the road level.)
–  Incomplete work affects movement of vehicles
– Earth that was removed for making the drain way is mounted and the  mud is flowing back into the drain.
– This drain does not connect to the drain that is connected to the storm water drain on the main road so its usefulness is in question.
Says a resident, “With rains expected now, we request the civic authorities to look into this issue and complete the work as early as possible.”
– Report and photo by K. Karpagavalli
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