December Season: Kartik Fine Arts fest from Dec.1

The 44th edition of Kartik Fine Arts’ December Season festival of music and dance will be launched on December 1 at Narada Gana Sabha, with the launch and the awards event followed by a dance recital.

Awards will be given to vocalist M Balamuralikrishna and to dancer Sudhalakxmi.

The fest from Dec.1 to 13 is held at the main, large auditorium of Narada Gana Sabha in Alwarpet and so, Kartik has scheduled the concerts of the top ranking artistes here – from Abhishek Raghuram to Sanjay Subrahmanyan, Sudha Ragunathan to Gayatri Venkatraghavan, these artistes will perform here in the evenings. ( The fest moved to the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan campus in Mylapore Dec.14 onwards till early January 2019).

On Day 2 and Day 3, there are two big dance productions.

 On Dec.2, guru Anitha Guha joins Aim for Seva to present ‘Nandala’ with many dancers featured in it. Music of old saint composers has been employed in this multi-lingual production.

On Dec.3 evening, guru Sheela Unnikrishnan presents ‘Srinivasa Kalyanam’, the first of 10 shows for this Season, starring some 25 plus dancers of her academy in Chennai.

Tickets for the first set of recitals ( at NGS) are on sale – call Ramnath of Kartik Fine Arts at 9840358805.

< For a look at schedules of all sabhas in Chennai go to –



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