Sabhas federation sets up committee to deal with sexual harassment complaints

The Federation of City Sabhas in Chennai  has set up a committee – Internal Complaints Committee – to receive complaints of sexual harassment which will then be processed as per law.

The ICC gas Uma Ramanathan, advocate, Sudha Ragunathan, senior vocalist, Usha Dinesh, a corporate affairs expert, B. Vivekanand, medical expert and Dr R Thara, specialist in mental illnesses. Senior advocate Mohan Parasaran is advisor.

Complaints can be sent to  the executive officer –

This move follows a series of complaints against some artistes who have been accused of sexual harassment. The Music Academy has chosen to drop seven senior artistes from its December Season concerts/lectures schedule because they have been ‘called out’.

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One Comment on “Sabhas federation sets up committee to deal with sexual harassment complaints”

  1. Committee – Sudha Ragunathan Avocalist.
    Usha Dinesh – Corporate affairs expert
    Vivekanand – Medical expert
    And two more advocates.
    Can anybody think that a performing artist ,a corporate member and a medical expert will be able to realise the truth behind individuals complaints ? Here I think the complaints will be on gestures for sex only and not the actual rape for which the medical expert or mental doctor will be required. A performing musician is possibly on whimsical ground. Secondly what is the legal status of this enquiry. Why these have not been handed over to the proper professional investigating authorities?
    Secondly, what is the stand of the Federation on the musucians who have sold our culture, religion, caste and rasikas sentiments for money to the other religion for satisfying their greed. How nany CDs have been released and sold with our Hindu cultural music praising other religions. Most of us are Hindus from Brahmin community and it is this community which was nurishing the treasure in music gifted by our ancestors. Pleas do care to read these few lines and give a thought coolly.
    The dignity of age old precious music need to be maintained even if we have to make some compromise.

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