A talk on ‘Amaravati art’ on Aug.4

A talk on ‘Amaravati art’ is planned for Aug 4 Tamil Heritage Trust (www.tamilheritage.in) at Arkay Centre, Luz and it is open to all.
A note from the organiser says – he Amaravati gallery is one of the great treasures of the Madras Museum in Egmore. Sculptures, pillars, and fragments of a Buddhist stupa dating back to the 2nd century BC, from an abandoned city of the Satavahana era, were brought to this museum in the middle of the 19th century.
The art of Amaravati is the earliest lithic work of any significance in the southern part of the Indian peninsula, and the panels in Egmore Museum are among the finest examples of Buddhist art..
The talk by Gopu R will introduce the history of Amaravati, and give a brief explanation of few selected panels.
Time : 5:30 p.m – 7:00 p.m
Venue : Arkay Convention Center, 146/3 R.H.Road, OMS Lakshana (Above Shah Electronics), Mylapore.
For details, e-mail : tamilheritagetrust.in@gmail.com
The next morning, Gopu, the speaker will lead people on a tour of the Amravati gallery at the Museum in Egmore. Those keen to join, may e-mail tamilheritagetrust.in@gmail.com. It is free; but you need to buy museum entry tickets.
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