Unkempt condition of Slum Board tenements in R. A. Puram pose danger to residents

A resident of  the apartment in Velleeswarar Gardens in R A Puram has complained that pieces of the roof of their flat has been falling down and last week, this hurt his son badly and he had to be treated.

He and his neighbours say that the small flats built here in many blocks by the Slum Clearance Board of the state say that though the blocks are over 15 years old, the Board has done nothing to repair or whitewash the blocks and flats all these years.

They say they mend the cracks and do what they can afford.

A small rental amount is collected from the residents, they say.

But it is also a fact that the community has not pooled in resources to repair their living spaces and hope the Board will attend to all such needs.

Many of these compact flats, located off School View Road are not in great shape here.

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