Doctors now overseeing Karunanidhi’s health condition at Gopalapuram residence

Cadres of the DMK party had been gathering outside the Kauvery Hospital in Alwarpet since Thursday morning when news went out that the party leader M. Karunanidhi had been admitted to this hospital the past week.

He was admitted here because the doctors had to treat for age-related problems that had aggravated. The rumour mills worked overtime on his condition and that is when the party cadres headed to Kauvery.

The hospital put out a bulletin on the condition of the DMK leader and his son, M K Stalin also made it known that his father was recovering well and was resting.

Doctors are now overseeing Karunanidhi’s health at his Gopalapuram residence.

On Friday, Karunanidhi marks 50 years as leader of the DMK party.

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