Police patrol neighbourhood in turns following Police Commissioner’s order

They were seen in the Chitrakulam zone, and in Mandaveli. And in Foreshore Estate. Police patrol teams on duty in colonies of the Mylapore neighbourhood since Thursday night.

They were obviously following the recent order of the Chennai City Police Commissioner that police patrol teams do the rounds of neighbourhoods in two sessions – from late night to about 8 a.m. The order came following  a spate of over 14 registered theft and robbery cases in recent times in the city.

The police had also planted dividers at street corners and flagged down motorists to check their identity and papers.

There was also a posse of some 8 to 10 policemen at the edge of Thiru Vi Ka bridge over the Adyar which has been the section for bike racers to race at high speed – many have been arrested by the Abhiramapuram police.

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