Music video on Unilever response to Kodaikanal environmental issue to be released; June 29

On June 29, ‘Justice Rocks’, a voluntary body which campaigns on environmental issues will launch a music video titled ‘Kodaikanal Still Won’t’. It features Carnatic music vocalist T. M. Krishna, rapper Sofia Ashraf and Amrit Rao.

The venue – Sivagami Pethachi Auditorium, Luz Church Road. The event starts at 6 pm and is open to all.

This is part of a campaign against Unilever’s reaction to its dumping of toxic mercury in Kodaikanal and the tardiness of its followup on this environmental issue.

The video is what T. M. Krishna says is “the next phase of our campaign to get Unilever to shed its double standards.”

In a media note, Krishna says – In 2001, Unilever dumped toxic mercury in Kodaikanal, poisoning its workers and the forest. It took 15 years of campaigning and a rap song that went viral to force Unilever to settle with its workers. But the mercury-tainted factory site continues to leak the deadly neurotoxin into the environment and the forests nearby. Unilever refuses to apply the same standards of clean-up for India that it would have to in Europe. That is Environmental Racism.

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