Donations to Mylapore Times Charitable Trust helps poor, talented students

Thanks to a flood of donations recently, Mylapore Times Charitable Trust has been able to partly fund the student applicants from poor backgrounds who need a leg up to further their studies.

This past week, four more youths got funded. They are – R. Priyanka, who moves from St. Ebbas School to Patrician College; she got Rs.20000. K. Parameswari  who moves from  Childrens Garden School to MGR-Janaki College for Women; she got Rs.15000. B. Nikesh of Rajah Muthiah School who moves from Class 10 to 11; he got Rs.3000. T. Thalamuthukumar, also of Rajah Muthiah School who moves from Class 10 to 11; he was given Rs.3000.

The Trust intends to wind up the season’s scholarship programme soon and focus on its annual projects.

This is the donors’ list of the past week – K.S. Chandra Mouli, Luz Church Road  –  Rs.2000. Parthasarathy, Kasturi Ranga Rd., Alwarpet – Rs.5000 T.V. Soundri Kannan, E. Abhiramapuram –  Rs.5000 Khottravan, E. Abhiramapuram – Rs.500 N. Santhana Gopalan, Abhiramapuram –  Rs.1000.

To donate, call Shanthi, manager at Mylapore Times – 24982244. Payment can be made by bank transfer and donations enjoy IT exemption.

MTCT has been functioning for over two decades. The scholarship programme ran the past four weeks.

Also, many Mylaporeans have donated directly to youths featured in the Mylapore Times newspaper – those who overcame odds to excel in exams but needed help.


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