Bee hive at park removed; novel operation

If you are a regular at Nageswara Rao Park, Luz did you notice a huge bee hive growing on a tall tree in this campus?
Some one did, realised the hive could pose some danger and got professional bee-keepers on Wednesday to bring down the hive and squeeze out the honey.

The honey, some five kilos was sold in the open.

Kedar Enterprises of Karnataka are in the honey production business in that state and has its team in Chennai to respond to calls from the public to get rid of bee hives – buildings, towers, trees.

Akshay Kumar says that they do not charge a fee; instead they donate one kilo of the honey to the owner of the campus and sell the rest and take home the money generated from the sale.

The numbers to call – 0-9900703726 / 0-9901490882

  • Story lead and photo – Baskar Seshadri
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