Horoscope mela held at Kalyana Nagar Association, hundreds drop in

It was a mela with a difference. At the space provided by Kalyana Nagar Association, Mandavelipakkam, people gathered on April 8 to exchange the horoscopes of their friends and relatives. An unexpected 800 people walked in.

Since then, once a week, the association has been handing out a list of the names and details of bachelors and bachelorettes to interested parents. And their efforts have paid off, three marriages have already been fixed.

The secretary of the association K. R. Srinivasan, says, “Only the horoscopes of boys and girls from the brahmin community, including Tamils, Telugu, Kannada and Maratha brahmins, can be exchanged. Interested parents and relatives can drop by between 3 and 4 p.m. on Sunday afternoon to get the list”.

The association is located at West Circular Road, Mandavelipakkam. Ph: 24952997.