Liquor shop zone near Thirumylai MRTS station is now a open bar

Civic-conscious Mylaporeans are wondering why the officers of TASMAC, the state-run liquor marketing company are turning a blind eye to the social problems that a shop in the heart of Mylapore is causing day in and out.

The liquor shop is located diagonally opposite Thirumylai MRTS railway station, alongside the Buckingham Canal.

It attracts a large number of customers many of whom hang around the shop in public space; this affects people who use this road and space.

Now, people who buy liquor at this shop are seem drinking in the open because the bar that is said to have operated in the liquor shop premises had to be closed down.

In the past, local units of political parties and civil society groups have staged protests here – asking the state to shut down the shop.

The Mylapore MLA has said he too has sent petitions.

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