Traffic Police doing all they can to maintain mada streets ‘one way’

Traffic Police are doing all they can to ensure that the ‘one way’ traffic system they introduced on the mada streets in the precincts of Sri Kapali Temple in Mylapore works.

Following the clearance of roadside hawker stalls mainly on South Mada Street, at least 8 to 10 policemen have been posted on South Mada Street at peak hour time to ensure that the ‘one way’ rule is followed.

Barricades have been installed in many places to discourage violations. Violators are being turned back.

“We will all we can to ensure the one way rule is followed, ” said a senior officer here.

Many motorists who come out of streets that end on South Mada Street and drive to the East Mada Street side are told to turn west and take the R K Mutt Road and North Mada Street route.

Yellow lines have also been redrawn on the streets to demarcate parking. On South Mada Street, parking is allowed only along the temple tank side.


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