Over 80 artists take part in ArtFest at Luz park

Over 80 artistes from Chennai and outside exhibited their works of art – paintings, drawings and sculptures – at the 3rd edition of the annual ArtFest show held at Nageswara Rao Park in Luz on Sunday, February 4.

It was a daylong show – 8am to 8 pm.

A section of this popular park was used to hold the displays and the works of art became a part of the trees and plants at the park.

People began to trickle in in the morning and the visitors increased many times over after the sun went down.

Many artists used the occasion to interact with their colleagues as well as visitors. Many also sold a few pieces of their art works.

ArtFest provides for art to be placed in a public space and for artists and people to interact. It is held on the first Sunday of February.

ArtFest was supported by Mylapore Times newspaper and Greater Chennai Corporation.

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