Call for volunteers for Mylapore Festival 2018

The organisers of the annual Sundaram Finance Mylapore Festival invite people Mylaporeans to volunteer at this annual fest.

The 2018 edition, to be held from January 4 to 7 will feature over 20 cultural  events in the spaces around Sri Kapali Temple.

The events cover kolam contests, music, folk and classical dance concerts, traditional games contests, workshops for children, concerts in the park, heritage walks and more.

Volunteers keen to be part of the Fest must dedicate time from either weekdays’ work or for the weekends, or for all days of the fest – 6 to 9 pm on weekdays and 5 to 9 pm on the weekend.

Keen? Call 24671122 / 24982244 ( Mylapore Times desk) and leave your name and contact details.