Poorna Margam recital gets good audience

Poorna Margam is an initiative by Natyarangam to present the classical Bharatanatyam recital which is a rarity on stage today.

On Saturday evening, G Narendra and Deepa of Chennai presented this recital at the mini hall of Narada Gana Sabha, Alwarpet – to a full house in which famous gurus like the Dhananjayans were present.

Over two hours, the duo, also a couple in life presented what was a riveting recital up close and it was well appreciated by the 100-plus audience.

Narendra, a talented and senior professional dancer rarely performs today and as he said on stage, he was revisiting some pieces this evening which he had performed some 20 years ago.

Sadly, as it often the case young dancers and dance students who make a huge community were absent at this recital.

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