Mosquitoes problem? Call 1913 now.

If you think that mosquitoes are plaguing your area and the issue needs immediate attention, call 1913 – Chennai Corporation’s helpline number.

With dengue affecting many people across the city and also the Mylapore neighbourhood, the civic body is working overtime.

Every morning, four sanitary staff at the Kutchery Road office load their spraying machines and take to the area which their seniors have earmarked for their operations.

They have been doing this round the year but since the outbreak of the illness, their rounds have increased.
This office’s operations covers most parts of the core of Mylapore, San Thome, R. A. Puram and a small part of Alwarpet.
Campaigns are also being carried out in local schools; there have been some unconfirmed reports that a few children are suffering from dengue.  Campus heads are being told to get rid of stuff like used tyres and receptacles which hold water and breed mosquitos and to clean water tanks.
Mylaporeans wonder if the polluted and stagnant water in the Buckingham Canal which runs through the heart of the neighbourhood is the biggest source of illness. 
The sanitary inspector says his men have been pouring oil and spraying on the Canal through the year and that the mosquito breeding issue is neutralised.
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