Kolu dolls sales in Mylapore: stiff prices, hard bargains, small choice

So are there some great picks among the kolu dolls on sale on Mylapore’s North Mada Street? Very few, say many diehard shoppers.

So why are they here? To look for any rare dolls that they may want to add to their collection.

It is clear that the dolls on sale here are just not classic in design and work. That era seems to be over.

This is the era of Papier mache and cheap ceramic and the big images are eye-catching. But they cost Rs.2500 to Rs.4000. And there are few buyers for these.

This Navaratri season, it appears the sales are less than average. Shoppers are cautious and prices that start at Rs1000 plus don’t make for hot sales.

The odd hawker with a limited but good range of dolls and willing to price them well, gets good business though bargains are hard and quick.

The odd hawker sells even images of Jayalalithaa; there are those who sell miniatures of houses, parks, lawns and trees – the stuff you need for a theme decoration. They are all in plastic and such material.

This weekend North Mada Street will be choc a bloc and chaotic as shoppers from across the city descend here.

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