Big rush at local RTO to get driving license

Close to 200 people crowded at the office of the Regional Transport Commissioner off St Mary’s Road to get original driving licenses on Friday.

With the computer servers ‘dead’ for close to 48 hours, little work could be carried out and tempers ran high.
With police issuing orders that motorists must now produce original licenses if they are stopped for a check, the rush at the local RTO has been big this past week.

While some people were here to get their new licence, there were others who seem to have been driving without a valid licence. Others said their documents were either lost or torn and they needed a fresh one.

With a three-day holiday weekend coming up, most people hung around the office hoping the servers would come alive and their work would be done.

Meanwhile, this issue is also being addressed in the Madras High Court and the court has asked the state to keep the order in the cold till Tuesday.

Traffic police have also stepped down their checks.

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