V. C. Garden Street mess: contractor asked to clear street of mud but work has not begun yet

Civic agencies Metrowater and Chennai Corporation held a meeting with residents in the V C Garden Street area on Sunday to brief them on the ongoing pipe laying work in that area and to listen to their grievances.

Many residents told officials that the delayed work has affected them badly. They also wondered why the contractor has dumped the excavated soil all across the street causing severe pollution and damaging the entire pathway which is a busy and key one in this area.

Chennai Corporation engineers say that they have asked the contractor to clear the street of the mud in four days time. “This work is part of the contractor’s responsibility,” one engineer said.

However, on Wednesday, there was no sign of workers or JCBs employed here to clear the mud that covers the entire road.

The Corporation engineer had nothing to say when asked why the civic body had not monitored the work and ensured the soil was not dumped all over but cleared daily.

Action seems to be forthcoming now after residents have upped their agitation at the state of this zone.

Metrowater work though is going to take more time since the work is challenging and sensitive, said an official.

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One Comment on “V. C. Garden Street mess: contractor asked to clear street of mud but work has not begun yet”

  1. Sir the condition in vc garden is very worst the metro water also mixed with drainage water we the people of sarada puram 2 st also suffering lot pl forward this to official

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