Fans of MSV mark his birth anniversary at his San Thome residence

Fans of the celebrated music director, late M S Vishwanathan gathered at the maestro’s residence in San Thome on Saturday last to mark his birth anniversary.

They lit a lamp at his portrait, sang a few of their favourite songs and made donations to a ‘home’ for seniors and women that is locate dnext door on San Thome High Road.

Joseph Raja, a engineer, freelance photographer and MSV fan who was part of this group says that MSV’s family is very welcoming when his fans come by to mark milestones.

MSV’s death anniversary is in July and the small group will be back here then.

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One Comment on “Fans of MSV mark his birth anniversary at his San Thome residence”

  1. Very happy to hear ,the great man in his music. I very well remember when both msg& kavignar kannadasan visited USR ,a song was immediately written by kavignar & music done by msg ,all in a short period

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