Police claim they have cleared many hawkers who hinder traffic flow but little evidence of change seen on Tuesday

Police claim to have removed hawkers and stalls which are a hindrance to traffic and pedestrians. They say action was taken in Luz Corner and on Royapettah High Road and such busy roadsides.

At least one Thamizh newspaper this morning even carried  a report of a midnight cleanup in Luz, showing policemen supervising knocking down of stalls and carting them away.

But on Tuesday late morning, very little had changed. We went around the Anjaneya Temple area in Alwarpet, the pavements off Royapettah High Road from the local Anjaneya Temple end to the Luz Circle corner.

Hawkers were at business, as always. There seemed to be some dislocation at some places in Luz Circle.

There were many more Traffic Police staff on duty though the mid day heat was suffocating. Patrol vans did the rounds, echoing views given by the recently appointed Police Commissioner Karan Singha.


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