100% pass for five straight years. This Chennai High School in Mandaveli is proud of its record

Corporation school - S. M. RoadJ. Dhanammal, the headmistress of Chennai High School at Sringeri Mutt Road, Mandaveli (seen in the picture) is a proud woman. After all, it is not everyday that a Corporation school can boast of a pass percentage of 100% in the class X board exams, and that too for five straight years.

The journey was tough though. Parents had to be convinced of the need of the wards to study hard, teachers had to do extra hours and students had to be motivated.

Says Dhanammal, “Most of the students come from broken families where income is a priority. They hardly have money for food, let alone education. It was a challenge to make them understand how education will help them”.

So how has this school triumphed?

“The credit goes to the staff and the education department of Chennai Corporation”, says the headmistress. “We have experienced staff and donors who go out of their way to make the children comfortable. I only hope these results encourage more students to enroll”.

If you wish to offer any form of support this academic year, drop in to meet the HM.

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