Sargam Choir, mostly of neighbourhood teens tours UK

MT SARGAM CHOIRMylapore-based Sargam Choir, founded and led by Dr Sudha Raja is celebrating its recent tour of the United Kingdown where its members, all teens showcased India’s music and then shared voices with a similar choir in the UK.

This Saturday, at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mylapore Sudha Raja and her team spoke about their experience at a breakfast meet.

The choir recitals were on 12th April with a performance with the Milapfest ensemble in Beck Theater and on April 15 it was a presentation in the International Youth Choir Festival 2017 in the Royal Albert Hall, which included the setting up of SABRANG, an Indian Choir for the UK, with a lec-dem by SARGAM Choir.

One another day, there was a performance for IYCF by SARGAM & SABRANG Choirs

The SARGAM Choir children who travelled to London were:; Uthara Unnikrishnan (National Award winner for the best playback female-2015 and daughter of vocalist P. Unnikrishnan), Tejaswini Sridhar (reident of R.A. Puram and a student of Harishree Vidyalayam), Samyuktha Venkat (student of Vruksha Montessori), Neha Manohar (resident of Eldams Road), Lakshmi Menon ( resident of Cenotaph Road, and daughter of film-maker Rajeev Menon), Dhiksha Krishnan (student of Padma Seshadri-Nungambakkam), Thejas Nageshwaran (student of Harishree Vidyalayam) and Sudharshanan Balaji (student and school pupil leader of Padma Seshadri Millennium school, OMR)

Sudha Raja says she is happy that her choir was ‘a source of great inspiration to their peers in the British diaspora.’


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