Alwarpet doctor-professor gets trapped in loan deal, languishes in jail in UP

A professor of medicine who resides in Alwarpet is said to be in a Uttar Pradesh jail after falling in a trap caused by his money-borrowing act.

Now, his wife has asked the state’s home secretary to help ensure the proper legal process is follow in his case and help seek his release from jail.

The professor of Madras Medical College had borrowed Rs.20 lakhs form a city based private  lender at a high rate of interest, signed blank cheques and given promissory notes. It is alleged that the lender made false documents to show the doctor-professor had taken a bigger loan.

The lender began to harass the professor and the doctor’s family lodged a police complaint.

The family says that later, the loan deal was transferred to a Lucknow-based gang, whose members took the issue to a local court which issued an arrest warrant against the professor and landed up along with the UP police at the Alwarpet home, had the professor arrested, showed the arrest at a city magistrate’s court to get the transit okayed legally and took the professor to UP and had him jailed there  based on the UP court’s order.

Doctors’ associations here have also appealed to the TN state government that a CBI or CB-CID probe be launch into this case and that the doctor-professor be released from jail.

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