Alwarpet apartments residents complain of illegal acts at rear of Corporation complex

The residents of Ceebros Apartments in Alwarpet say that the area is being polluted by shops that use the open space behind a Chennai Corporation Complex on C. P. Ramaswamy Road.
Thy say that the open space at the rear of this two-storeyed complex has been used to build toilet, kitchens and storage spaces illegally.
“Due to our representation to Chennai Corporation made some time ago, of filth and stench that is generated  here and affecting all of us, civic officials made a symbolic demolition of the illegally built structures,” says a note from the Ceebros Apartments association.
“This symbolic action of demolition only resulted in providing improvised roofs and some side covered space, which is being misused (people drink in the dark here) by anti-social elements,” the note says.
The residents allege that smoke and cooking waste is let out into the rear space and pollutes their campus and often, waste is dumped in the open.
The residents say there are 24 apartments in Ceebros Apartments complex, occupied by predominantly seniors and professionals and that they have written to MLA, R. Nataraj and Chennai Corporation to take action and stop the illegal activity.
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