Nook on Luz Church Road turned into hub for displays, games for kids

MT LC RD NOOK 3Architect Kavita Selvaraj is pleased that the nook she created on Luz Church Road for cultural and social activity was put to good use last weekend and looks to the community to use it more often.

This nook, next to the Marrybrown restaurant on this bustling road was created as part of the redesigned road project which was half-heartedly executed and part of the design that Kavita gave Chennai Corporation dropped due to community opposition ( the part which envisaged a broad central walkway that would sport modern lighting, displays of Mylapore’s heritage landmarks and street furniture.

Last week, inspired by the Mylapore Festival, Kavita got Kreeda to host a few board games for kids in this nook.

The place already sports a display of the map of Mylapore’s heritage zone and offers a guide fopr those who wish to undertake a Heritage Walk.

There are also a few cement benches here.

Kavita hopes that Mylapore’s residents will sustain this open space with exhibitions and small events for kids.

Chennai Corporation though has to light up the nook and the road; the darkness now encourages hawkers to spread wide and leave waste food or fruit around the spaces where they run their trade.

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