Chettinad Vidyashram hosts interschool debating compeition

Vox Populi is a national level debating platform which routinely conducts debates all over India. For their entry into the South India debating circuit, they collaborated with Chettinad Vidyashram, R. A. Puram, which acted as a host to 300 students from various schools in Tamil Nadu.

The competition included several unconventional debates such as the historical debate, mock
parliament and bilingual turncoat which involved debating in two different languages.

The chief guests for the event were Mikhail. J.Gorbatov, the director of the Russian Centre of Science
and Culture and Shreekumar Varma, the grandson of Raja Ravi Varma and an acclaimed writer.
During their speeches, the guests talked about the importance of unconventional debating in a world fraught with rules and regulations.

Several other keynote speakers from Warhorse, an educational enterprise that equips students in the art of public speaking, addressed the gathering.

The event was attended by Kumararani Meena Muthiah, the correspondent, and the principal Amudhalakshmi.