Obituary : Christopher Martyn, M. Rajendran, John Britto, R. Savithri, M. S. Venkatraman

Christopher Martyn, of Electrotec International, passed away on Aug 23. The funeral was held on Aug 25 at Good Shepherd Church, Mylapore. He was later buried at St. Mary’s Cemetery, Mandaveli.

M. Rajendran passed away on Aug 24. He was aged 51. He was a supervisor in the despatch department of The Hindu. His family resides at 11/29, Chidambaram Swamy Street, Mylapore. Contact them at 9840492031.

John Britto, alias Amesh, passed away on Aug 24. Funeral mass was held at San Thome Cathedral on Aug 25. Contact his family at 9952077070, 8124080222.

R. Savithri passed away on Aug 24. She was aged 90. She was the wife of Late N. Swaminathan (Guru Vilas). Contact her family at 24661650, 9600067003.

M. S. Venkatraman, aged 92, passed away on Aug 24. Contact his family at 24951999.


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