Musical discourse on temples in and around city; Aug.22

Triplicane Cultural Academy celebrates Madras Week 2016 by organising a special programme on 108 Vaishnavite Divya Desams – DIVYA DESA DARSHANAM Part 6 (MUSICAL DISCOURSE) on Monday, 22nd August at 6 p.m. at Naradha Gana Sabha Mini Hall, Alwarpet, Chennai 18.

This episode will feature Temples in and around Chennai – in connectionnwith Madras Week – with comnentary by Dr. Sudha Seshayyan and musical support by Vasundhra Rajagopal. Usha Rajagopalan and Ganapathiraman will accompany on the violin and mridangam respectively.

Contact Ph 28440607 / 9445338368

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