Stones, dividers cleared off newly-cemented Marina Loop Road; this was the scene of fatal accident

MT F EST ROADThis is a picture of the newly-cemented road leading from San Thome High Road to Foreshore Estate, shot at night.

We looked at this road following the fatal accident that took place over a week ago where Nandini, who revved up her bike to chase a rogue who robbed her of cash in her handbag, ran over large stones on this very road, fell down, was injured and died on the spot.

Is this road safe for driving?

Before the accident-death there were stones and slabs on the sides of the newly-cemented road; there were rusty road median dividers here and there and some sections of the road that lay unfinished were marked with tapes.

These posed a danger to unsuspecting motorists.

Last weekend, we found that all the rubble and stones were cleared though some dividers still stood on the edge of the road.

The work of cementing is continuing on Marina Loop Road and this area is marked off.

The street lighting is good here though the branches of large trees tend to cut off part of the lighting.

Traffic is heavy at peak hours when the south-bound traffic from the Light House side is diverted through this Loop Road. It is heavy even a slate as 8 p.m.

Also, there is lots of human activity because a fish market has extended itself to the far end and residents of the two neighborhoods here which are densely populated move in and out all the time.

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