Devotee pleased that ‘Siva Siva’ signage on Sri Kapali Temple gopuram is re-lit

Abhiramapuram resident Sridhar Chandra is happy that his plea to the Sri Kapali Temple officers has been heeded.
He says that he had wondered in the past as to why the illuminated legend of Siva Siva  atop the east gopuram here was not lit up for many weeks.
His letter on this subject was published in Mylapore Times this Saturday.
Now, Sridhar says the legend is aglow though in blue light.
He says – “I happened to go to the temple today ( Saturday) and am happy to let you know that the signage of “Siva Siva” atop the gopuram is re-illuminated again, albeit in blue color. While we would still like to see the signage in the majestic bold red color, we are at least gratified that the signage is being illuminated again.”
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