Traffic Police focus their watch on bike-racers on two main roads

Traffic Police in the Mylapore and San Thome areas have upped their watch on speeding bikers since the time the High Court expressed its views on this menace recently.

San Thome High Road is one of the major routes used by racing bikers who zip from North Madras to Besant Nagar and vice versa. In the past, a few pedestrians have either been injured in nasty scrapes or died after they were knocked down by these racers. Races take place on weekends and towards midnight.

You can now see Traffic Police stationed at a few zones on this beach road as well as Dr Radhakrishnan Salai.

Challans are issued on the spot and nobody is spared ever during daytime.

However, some motorists say while receipts are issued for small fines, the police do not enter the driver’s license and crime booked for and wonder of there is some hanky panky in the fining.

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