Want to join the Parkour exercise group at the park?

J PARKOURAt Nageswara Rao Park. Luz a group of youngsters have been running the Parkour workout for some time now. ‘

Parkour workout is a type of exercise where the body is strengthened and controlled simultaneously while you go through some rigorous exercises by making use of jumps over walls, dividers and obstacles.

The Parkour course at this park has been on since 2011, says Vishwa, a guide who teaches newcomers here.

This workout engages youngsters to exercise in open spaces like this popular park.

If you wish to join the group call trainer Vishwa at 99 62 696859.
The team is at the park from 4 to 6 in the morning and in the evening on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

  • Report, photo by Kavhya Suraj
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