Roads decked up, packed with AIADMK cadres as Jayalalithaa heads to swearing-in event

MT JAYA 1Dr Radhakrishnan Salai was decked with the flags and buntings and balloons of AIADMK party as the partymen and well-wishers prepared the path for the swearing in of chief minister Jayalalithaa and her cabinet of ministers.

Cadres filled in the pavements since early this morning and got into a tizzy as Jayalalithaa, in her convoy left her Poes Gardens residence and headed to the Madras University campus where the searing in take space at noon today.

The party people greeted Jayalalithaa all along the way as the convoy took the main road and headed to Kamaraj Salai off the Marina.

Traffic has been diverted off these roads and  huge contingents of police men and women have secured the entire route.


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